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Famous Music Teachers 

24 April 2021

We all have a teacher who has left a mark in our lives. Even though we celebrate our teachers, who sometimes lead us in our hardest times and sometimes we take as an example with their success and behavior, every year on Teachers' Day, we understand their value better every day. As musiconline, in this blog post, we searched for famous music teachers who both took the stage and worked as teachers.



English musician, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, known as Sting, started his musical career by studying classical piano. Gordon Solomon, founder of the Phoenix Jazzmen band, said he looked like a honey bee because he came out in a black and yellow striped sweater at a performance, and the artist, whose nickname remained Sting, that is, a bee needle, before announcing his name with the band The Police. He taught at Paul's First school.


Sheryl Crow 

Although the American rock and pop singer Sheryl Suzanne Crow has 9 Grammy awards, clips and albums in our minds, she has also contributed to the music with her piano teaching for a while.


Yehudi Menuhin

Born on April 22, 1916 in New York, USA, to a Jewish family of Belorussian immigrants, Yehudi Menuhin started the violin at the age of 3 and performed his first concert in San Francisco at the age of 7. Menuhin, who was 11 when he performed in Paris, founded the Menuhin School of Music in England in 1963 to educate talented children. The school, which has been instrumental in educating a large number of musicians, especially Nigel Kennedy, provides professional musical training for instruments such as violin, piano, guitar, harp.


Shinichi Suzuki

Born in Japan in 1898, Shinichi Suzuki did not intend to learn violin until the age of 18, although he spent his childhood in his father's violin factory. Being influenced by a recording of the German artist Mischa Elman, Suzuki moved to Germany at the age of 26 to become a student of Karl Klingler, one of the successful musicians of his time. The violinist, who progressed on the violin during his stay here, returned to Japan after completing his education and formed a string music band with his brothers.

Suzuki, who also teaches music, was particularly interested in child musicians and developed his own method of teaching music to children.

Suzuki's main inspiration has been the schemes for children to learn their mother tongue. Observing children in both Germany and Japan, Suzuki realized that the most effective learning scheme for children was to listen, imitate and repeat. Currently, the Suzuki method, which is used not only in the field of music, but also in many areas, often mentions its name.


Münir Nurettin Selçuk 

Born in Istanbul in 1900, the Turkish musician Münir Nurettin Selçuk, when the beauty of his voice was noticed when he was only ten years old, Ethem Bey, a student of Yeniköylü Hasan Efendi, attended the Darülfeyzi Music School in Kadıköy and gave his first concert with this delegation three years later. In 1917, when he was a student at Kadıköy high school, he went to Hungary to study agriculture at the insistence of his family; but before completing his education, he returned to his country and focused on music studies.

Selçuk, 20.yy is one of the most prominent artists of Turkish music. In 1927, he went to Paris and took piano and solfege lessons from famous teachers of Paris Conservatory, and gave a concert at the French theatre alone with a program that no one had been able to do until then. Münir Nurettin perfected the sound technique he developed especially in Paris, and after returning home, his style became more and more mature. Among the people whom Münir Nurettin Selçuk taught privately, who contributed to the education of many young generation artists, we can count Alaeddin Selçuk, the sound artist of Turkish music, and Timur Selçuk, the son of a great composer and music man.

As musiconline, we have compiled famous music instructors for you this week. If you like both music and learning; you can attend online music lessons and improve yourself in the field of music.

If you are aiming for a teaching career, you can look at one of our previous blog posts and contribute to the training of future music teachers by applying to our certificate programs.


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