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Phonograph Records

31 January 2019

Invented towards the end of 19th century, phonograph records can be considered as one of the most important tools for music consumption, for its era. But... Time is changed and accessing music became easier. Listening from vinyl is not practical anymore, however it is always a hero in our hearts.

Phonograph records (also known as gramophone records) are invented in 1890's to listen a recorded analogue sound. The ideal speed for gramophone records was considered to be as 78,26 rpm. Mass production for gramophone records was initiated in Germany and its fragile nature has been reviewed to be improved over the years.

Modern music production is surrounded with high technology tools and recording analogue sound is much easier compared to old times .

However many music enthusiasts claim that the sound of vinyl is much better compared to digital sound. This is a partially fair claim to be made and here is why: vinyl sound is perceived to be 'better' due to its uncompressed nature. With this way, sound is preserved and the experience is more, vivid.

How vinyl works? Well, to play vinyl you need a gramophone. Gramophone needle and magnet plays the key part in generating sound with vinyl. It travels through the micro spirals at vinyl and produces an electrical current with the help of gramophone's magnet. And at the very last, special amplifiers route this current to speakers in a more strong way which you hear as the song. To sum it up, vinyl and needle produces current then it's amplified.

Vinyl community is getting bigger everyday.

Yes the technology is advanced, yes producing music easier and yes almost everything is electronic these days... But! It all happened so fast, missing the analogue sound of old days makes sense. Recent studies about the topic indicates that vinyl hobbyists are mostly into it, because it resembles the old times

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