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New Year’s Music

2 January 2021

We put one of perhaps the most difficult years of recent years behind us. 2020 had been exhausting for many of us, but it had been a year in which we spent most of the year in quarantine. The global epidemic caused by the Covid19 virus has taken a place in our lives with many restrictions. As musiconline, we have prepared a playlist to accompany you on New Year, which we welcomed in our homes this year. Enjoy your reading!


We believe that the new year will come with new hopes; in these days when we are excited to live the very first days of 2021, perhaps one of the most enjoyable things for us is listening to music. As Andy Williams said in his timeless song, we can say the most beautiful days of the year. It’s Most Wonderful Time Of The Year is at the top of our list. Justin Bieber seems to agree; Mistletoe also talks about the best times of the year.

We are used to snowing New Year's days; most of the time we even greet the new year with a snowy day. We can say that Dean Martin’s song “Let it Snow!” is one of the most beautiful pieces that can accompany you while welcoming the new year.

The Spanish song Feliz Navidad (Happy New Year), which is quite famous around the world, can add color to your New Year with Jose Feliciano.

Another song that keeps the New Year's air alive to our homes comes from Brett Eldredge and Meghan Trainor; Baby It’s Cold Outside.

New Year means new beginnings; we are sure that many of us are setting goals for the New Year and celebrating the arrival of 2021 with new hopes and dreams. While some of us are making lists, some of us may be expecting something from Santa Claus. :) There's a message to Santa from the trio of Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson; Oh Santa!

At the end of our list is a New Year's song that has hardly lost its popularity; This time, Mariah Carey, accompanied by Justin Bieber, lists us her wishes for the new year; All I Want For Christmas is You.

For more song suggestions, you can check out our Spotify list, and if you like our post, you can follow us on our social media accounts.

As musiconline family, we wish you a healthy, happy year with lots of music!

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